Inspired by actual events, MURU is the story of a local Police Sergeant ‘Taffy’ Tāwharau (Cliff Curtis), who must choose between duty to his badge or his people.
Inspired by actual events, MURU is the story of a local Police Sergeant ‘Taffy’ Tāwharau (Cliff Curtis), who must choose between duty to his badge or his people, when the Government invoke antiterrorism powers to launch an armed raid on Taffy’s remote Urewera community, on a school day.
- Director
- Te Arepa Kahi
- Cast
- Cliff Curtis, Simone Kessell, Jay Ryan, Manu Bennett
- Genre
- Drama
- Rating
- M (Violence and offensive language)
- Release Date
- 1 September 2022
- Runtime
- 105 min